Few days ago after lunch everyone was enjoying quiet time playing and reading books and hanging out. I was in the kitchen to clean up after lunch and didn't think much of the peace surrounding me. But after few minutes I realized the kids are probably up to something. Well, it was only one child. Somehow little Matilda got hold of big brothers fruit roll ups which are messy, sweet and have a magic attraction built in. Here you can see how good the sweet stuff was.
Today is picture day in Lukas' preschool. That meant drama in the morning, crying and complaining. It would have been a pleasant morning but no luck here. Few weeks back when we went shopping at GAP we bought Lukas a nice shirt and he agreed to wear it on picture day. Oh well, so much for a 4 year old keeping a promise. ;)
Last week we have visited Disneyworld. It was a hot day, the park was packed and we had to wait long time for the rides. Both kids still did very well. There was barely any complaining (well, Matilda wouldn't because she can't yet) and we stayed until 6 pm or so.
After we left the park, the kids got quiet in the car and Lukas said "I don't like peoples". Yup, just like that. It was so funny how he summed it all up for himself.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Had to share this one with you. No fortune cookie truth but the real life. Found it on Stephanie's blog:
"Your toddler will do what they need to do, and not necessarily what you say. If you're patient, then they will be patient. If you speak gently, then they will be gentle. Whatever you want them to be, you have to start becoming." -Helen Hunt
While we were in Florida, I still managed to work on my little shop. I got featured on Etsy Chatters' blog and two giveaways are in the works. Links will follow tomorrow.
We love to travel. Go places. See and explore new countries. We do not miss home while being away. But there is no better feeling then when we get back home. I open the door and see everything is at his place. Nothing has changed. The house has waited for us.
Home sweet home.
In few days, I will post some pictures from our trip to Florida. The kids managed the flights well. We had fun swimming, hanging out with friends and visiting Disneyworld.
Finally, I finished Matilda's dress. It wasn't hard to make but it took time to finish it up the way I wanted it. I was unsure about the closings and finally decided on two strings to be tied together. Can't wait to put it on the super model.
Today was Patrick's birthday. I helped Lukas to make an awesome card for Daddy (he wrote Lukas and Matilda vertical on the card!). It is on his office desk already.
Laying on the floor. Watching Matilda waddle down and up the hallway. Hearing Lukas playing Star Wars on his DS. The afternoon sun is coming in through the windows. My heart and soul are full of feelings of love, joy and happiness. They are so small but they give so much. Giving is wonderful.
Matilda loves to look through the cards that are scattered all over the house. They belong to Lukas but he is too grown now to use them. I always make funny sounds for each motive and Matilda is starting to pick them up. Interestingly, she likes the robot (she makes a short sound eehheee - like I do) and the fish (she blows silent bubbles with her mouth). Those are the two first things that Lukas knew too! Isn't that amazing? I am amazed.
Just in case you are hungry and want to get inspiration what to make. Turkey sandwich with greens, so good. I wish Lukas would eat the green part, but no way. Hopefully in 10 years.
Yesterday, Auntie Pauline invited Lukas and Kyle to see the new "Monster vs. Aliens" movie. This was Lukas' first time ever in a movie theater. Before I left him with Auntie, he asked if I could stay for 5 minutes and watch with him.
As I heard, he was excited and watched the whole movie, not even eating popcorn. Welcome to the new world of entertainment.
Last night, Patrick and I went to our friends wedding. Samir and Vanessa tied the know. The bride looked stunning, the groom was nervous, but everything went well and it was a great party. Wishing the newly weds all the best!
While making dinner tonight, Lukas came to watch me stirring in the pots and cutting veggies. All of the sudden he said "Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be like you. Making dinner. And helping you." Awwwww.